I agree with your points DD.
There is a sense of hubris in which the members of the governing body view their appointment for office. A privilege they think... but it is also a poisoned chalice.
The first and overriding need at the start of the new century was to fix an enormous patch on the gaping wound inflicted by Fred Franz’s colossal error of the “1914-generation”.
The way they attempted it was by getting the most affable and least assertive GB member Jack Barr to sell his soul to the devil and contrive an excuse. Using tried and tested Watchtower brand logic, he said to the long suffering and gullible masses that when Jesus used the word generation he “evidently” meant overlapping generations. (pause for vomit)
This implausible claptrap has set the tone for the post 2000 GB. The Watchtower looked stale and backward. The glorious information revolution was under way and the Tower was under threat. This threat has in fact increased the pressure on the GB by exposing their dirty washing in public. For example their gross hypocrisy in denouncing the UN organization and secretly joining it. Another internet exposure is their total incapacity for a humane response to the children sexually abused in their midst.
A rebranding was advised and carried through to forget the ugly, sterile and antique Watchtower logo and replace it with” JW org” on a heavenly blue background. (As the RC Church uses for its prime icon Mary). Perhaps with a new logo and flashy TV channel, the JW punters would be distracted away from the 1914 blunder and be seduced by the GB on the small screen?
Forget Fred Franz and his intellectual garbage; dumb it down so that the most uneducated third world peasant can understand. The West and its sophistication have had enough of Watchtower prattle...the developing world is the new target area.
The touchstone for success under GB2.0 is now that of loyalty to the GB. Sins can always be forgiven but NOT disloyalty to the seven baboons of Brooklyn.
The public appearance of the GB on the JWTV extravaganza must have been seen as a public relations attempt to get the flock to be more familiar with HQ. However, they present as either oddballs or inept. I would imagine their PR advisers now think differently and must withdraw them offstage to redeem themselves away from the TV spotlights.
Hubris is always answered by the Gods...